
Quality, HSE, and Security is fundamental to our mission

are fundamental to our mission, It is at the core of everything we do. We do not ever compromise on safety, health, security or environmental sustainability to achieve our financial, project, service and manufacturing objectives. HS&E is an integral part of our business, based on genuine care and concern for the people and the environment.

The SHADE HS&E Management Systems is designed and implemented to protect its employees and sub-contractors from unacceptable HS&E risks. This system also safeguards the health, safety and environment of persons not employed by Shade, but could be impacted by the company’s activities.

SHADE fully acknowledges its global responsibilities towards Environmental Pollution Prevention and is committed to honouring environmental management agreements to decrease pollution levels arising from the Company’s operations and products and reduce overall impact on the environment.

To comply with the above-mentioned values Shade is committed to:

  • Fostering a safe climate that protects the health, safety and security of our employees, contractors, suppliers, clients, visitors and of all those engaged or affected by our activities.

  • Compliance with HS&E legislations and constantly endeavor to higher standards than those stipulated in International and local laws.

  • Make stringent efforts to reduce Health and Safety risks in order to achieve our goal of “Zero-Accident” at all our project sites

  • Regularly monitor & audit its activities for compliance with local, and international HS&E Management Systems,

  • Engage with select sub-contractors & suppliers who demonstrate a continual commitment in preventing pollution and are capable of accomplishing high levels of HSE control whilst carrying out their duties.

  • Conduct regular inspections and audits on sub-contractors and suppliers to monitor their HS&E activities.

  • Continual improvement will be measured through the reduction of accidents, risks and environments through clear performance indicators.


P.O. Box 7027 Dammam 31462 Saudi Arabia Building No. 5222 Ad Dammam 32414-6124.